Greetings! My name is Ömercan Yazici, and I am from the northern part of Germany. The part which is always associated with rain and cold weather. Getting fed up with the flat land, allowing you to see your guests hours before they actually arrive at your house, I decided to study Computer Science in Heidelberg. Jokes aside, people from northern Germany are great - I was just interested in Physics and Simulation, which Heidelberg is the perfect place to study exactly that.

The spark that brought me to computer graphics was the movie Wall-E from Pixar. I became, and still am, a Pixar fanboy. Having an expertise in numeric simulation, I started working on several raytracers over the years. Looking back, some of them are definitely garbage, but hey… you have to start somewhere, right? Computer graphics became so fascinating, I decided to strive for a PhD in that field. Knowing the goal, I decided Saarbrücken is the perfect spot to reach it.

Currently, I am interested in Raytracing Architecture, in which I experiment with hybrid rendering engines working on the CPU and GPU alike. However, only proper hardware and software design does not give you a good raytracer. That’s why I am also interested in Importance Sampling, allowing you to pick that one perfect sample to give that one perfect contribution. To please my interested in Physics, I also do quite a lot of research in Spectral Rendering. Simulating the core aspects of the Photon, while creating amazing pictures - what do you want more?

If I am not daydreaming or working, I like to play field hockey, meet friends, step up my level of Japanese or finally continue working on my own novel.

$L\left(\omega_o\right) = L_e\left(x, \omega_o\right) + \int_\Omega f\left(x, \omega_i, \omega_o\right) L\left(\omega_i\right) \cos\left(\theta\right)\ d\omega_i$